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Principles of Chemistry & Experimental Chemistry C105/C125

Name: Miss Short        e-mail:[email protected]
Room #: H200    Phone: 937-676-2002 ext 1200
Conference Period: 5A   Website: 

Course Description:Principles of Chemistry and Experimental Chemistry will be taught and covered concurrently.  They will cover advanced chemistry topics including atomic structure, stoichiometry, chemical reactions, thermodynamics, electron configurations and the periodic table, covalent bonding, molecular structures, and gases.  Students will also complete several experiments throughout the year (with 12 formal lab reports due). Students enrolled through IU will receive credit from both Newton High School and Indiana University’s Advanced College Project.  In order to receive Indiana University credit, students must earn a grade of C or higher. Whereas the high school credit will be two semester grades averaging classroom and lab work, the college credit will be 3 credit hours for the class work and 2 credit hours for lab work over the course of the entire year.  

Components of the Course:The text used for the course will beChemistry:  The Central Science, 12th Edition by Brown et al. Newton High School will make available one textbook for each student for the year.  The textbook will be returned in excellent condition at the end of the academic year and is the property of the school district.  Student supplies should include a large spiral notebook or a three ring binder, a scientific (not graphic) calculator, and writing utensils.  A variety of sources will be used for the laboratory portion of the course.  Supplies for the laboratory course include a composition notebook and safety goggles, both provided. Students will be required to wear safety goggles during the laboratory and MUST wear closed-toed shoes on lab days.
        Students must have access to the internet.  All formal lab reports must be submitted electronically and many smaller lab write ups will be turned in likewise.  The school has computers with access to the internet which students will be able to use once students/parents have acknowledged receipt of the student handbook.
        Students will complete twelve quizzes and four regular exams throughout the year.  Those quizzes and exams will be prepared by Miss Short.  At the culmination of the course students will be required to complete a laboratory final exam prepared by an Indiana University chemistry professor and a course final exam prepared by the American Chemical Society.  All students of this course, whether at Indiana University or in other ACP Chemistry courses, will complete the same exams.  Work throughout the year will help to prepare each student to succeed on the final exams provided the student also works to complete all assignments and do well on all quizzes and exams.

Syllabus:Book homework will be assigned for each chapter and collected at the end of the chapter. The homework can be done on paper or online. Discussion Worksheets and Quizzes will follow at the end of each chapter. During each quarter, the lowest quiz score of three will drop. Dates are subject to change with notice. Several labs will be done during the year, with three formal lab reports (or the equivalent) due each quarter (below in Syllabus). Formal labs are also subject to change with notice.

1st Quarter-Chapters 1-3
        Chapter 1-The Nature of Chemistry & Chemical Measurements
        Chapter 2-Atoms, Elements, Molecules & Compounds
        Chapter 3-Stoichiometry
        Laboratories-Density, Measurement & Error; Preparation of Zinc Chloride; Periodic Table video project
Oct 24/25       Exam over Chapters 1-3

2nd Quarter-Chapters 4-6
        Chapter 4-Introduction to Chemical Reactions
        Chapter 5-Thermochemistry
        Chapter 6-The Electronic Structure of Atoms
        Laboratories-Precipitation Reactions, Oxidation of Magnesium, % Yield of Barium Carbonate
Dec 19/20       Exam over Chapters 4-6 (written by Miss Short)

3rd Quarter-Chapters 7-9
        Chapter 7-Periodic Properties of Elements & Atoms
        Chapter 8-Chemical Bonding Part 1: Fundamental Concepts
        Chapter 9-Chemical Bonding Part 2: Shapes of Molecules and Molecular Orbitals
        Laboratories-Beer’s Law Lab, Household Product Comparison, Chemical Reactions
Mar 20/21       Exam over Chapters 7-9 (written by Miss Short)

4th Quarter-Chapters 10-12
        Chapter 10-Gases
        Chapter 11-Liquids
        Chapter 12-Solids
        Laboratories-Preparation of Oxygen, Preparation of Hydrogen, ACME Chemical Company Project
May 15/16       Exam over Chapter 10-12 (written by Miss Short)

May 22/23       Final Lab Exam (written by IU professor)
May 28/29       Final Exam (written by the American Chemical Society)

Grading:High School grades and College grades may not match due to several reasons. The High School grades are by semester and include lecture and lab. The college grades are yearly and lab is separate from lecture. The grading scale for IU is 90/80/70/60 while the grading scale for Newton is 93/85/75/65. Students taking the course for college creditmust obtain a C or higherto have transferrable credit.


Exams (4@125 points, NO DROPS)  500
Quizzes (12@15 points, lowest dropped per quarter)      120
Homework (12@5 points, NO DROPS)        60
Discussion Worksheets (12@10 points)    120
Final Exam      200
        (3 credit course)Total Lecture Points  1000


Safety Quiz      15
Activities (smaller labs)        200
Pre-laboratory assignments (12@5 points)        60
Formal Lab Reports (12@25 points)       300
Final Laboratory Exam   125
        (2 credit course)Total Lab Points      700

Expectations:As with your other classes, the school rules in the Handbook apply to this class as well.  Below are the rules of conduct that are most important in this class.  Basically, if you treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, you will get along fine in this classroom.
1. Respect each other.  People are in this class to learn science.  Any disruption (i.e. talking, whispering, playing, etc.) of this learning process is disrespectful.  There will be times when open discussion is allowed - but be sure to recognize when talking is not allowed (lectures, laboratory instructions, exams, etc.)  Disruptions will be dealt with accordingly.
2. Do not endanger each other.  There are many things in a laboratory that, if handled incorrectly, can be dangerous to your health and the wellbeing of others.  Anyone who acts in a way inappropriate to a lab situation (i.e. horseplay, fighting, performing unauthorized experiments, etc.) will be asked to leave the classroom. Parents will be informed of the behavior.
3. Classroom time is for working on science.  Class starts at the bell.  It will be to your advantage to be on time and prepared each day (that is, have your book, notebook, writing utensil, etc. with you when you arrive).
4. Late work is not accepted.  If absent, turn in work when you return.
5. Do your own work. Do not use another person’s work (classmate, website, reference, etc.) and pass it off as your own. Citations are crucial when reporting on research.

Student Academic Misconduct:“TheIndiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conductdescribes types of misconduct for which students may be penalized, including cheating, fabrication, plagiarism and interference with other students' work, as well as actions which endanger the University and the University community and possession of firearms.The Codealso indicates the procedures to be followed in these cases.All students are required to adhere to the responsibilities outlined inthe Code.”
        For the definition and clarification regarding cheating, plagiarism, and similar, visit IU's web page:

(this link will also be on Miss Short's website under Links.)
        IU also has an informational pamphlet about plagiarism, also linked from Miss Short's website:

        Students taking this coursewill be held to the IU Code regardlessof whether or not they are receiving university credit.

Registering for Master Chemistry (Online Homework)

Accept the License Agreement. At “Do you have a Pearson Education Account” choose “No” unless you have a Pearson Education Account for another course.
Create a login name and password for your Pearson Education Account. Your password must be at least 8 characters with at least one letter and one number.
At the next window, type in your information as requested. The page adjusts as you come up with answers. For example, when you are asked School Name, you’ll need to choose Other from the drop-down list, then type in Newton Local School when the Other School Name box appears. The school town is Pleasant Hill, in case you weren’t sure.
Choose a security question from the drop-down list and answer it. It’s up to you if you want to check the “PLEASE SEND ME SPAM” box at the bottom of the page. I didn’t.
Click Next.
You now have a Pearson account and access to Mastering Chemistry. You should Log In Now. At any other time, visit to log in to your account.
Now you need to sign onto the chemistry course. On the next page it will ask if you have a Course ID from your instructor. Choose Yes.
Type in the Course ID: NHSCHEM2012
Click Continue. You are now “enrolled” into the online portion of the course.

Chemistry Topics for Exams
1. The Nature of Chemistry & Chemical Measurements
Ch 1
1.1 What is Chemistry? (Scientific method, how to problem solve)
1.2 Physical States of Matter (gases, liquids and solids and their properties)
1.3 Classification of Matter (elements, compounds, mixtures)
1.4 Matter and its Properties (chemical and physical properties)
1.5 International System of Units (must know size prefixes including Angstrom)
1.6 Significant Figures
1.7 Uncertainty in Measurements (scale in measurements, precision/accuracy)
1.8 Important Chemical Measurements (dimensional analysis, temperature, volume, density, length, mass)
2. Atoms, Elements, Molecules & Compounds
Ch 2
2.1 Basic Structure of the Atom (p+, n0, e-, important discoveries, amu)
2.2 Composition of Atoms (atoms and different isotopes, atomic and mass numbers, atomic weight)
2.3 Elements & the Periodic Table (arrangement of the periodic table)
2.4 Molecules & Formula Units (picturing molecules, molecular and empirical formulae, percent composition)
2.5 Ions and Ion Formation (most stable ions formed, isoelectronic species, mass spectrometry)
2.6 Naming Molecular Compounds
2.7 Names & Formulas of Inorganic Compounds (predicting charges from periodic table, know common polyatomic ions: hydroxide, carbonate, sulfate, sulfite, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, phosphite, acetate, and permanganate)
2.8 Introduction to Organic Compounds (hydrocarbons and aromatics)
3. Stoichiometry
Ch 3
3.1 Chemical Equations (balancing equations, molar relationships, combustion analysis)
3.2 Combustion Reactions (know the expected products)
3.3 Chemical Formula Calculations (interconverting between mass, moles and number of particles)
3.4 The Mole Concept (moles, molar mass, Avogadro’s number)
3.5 Mole and Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions (limiting/excess reagents, percent/theoretical yields)
4. Introduction to Chemical Reactions
Ch 4
4.1 Predicting Chemical Reactions – states of reactants and products, strong/weak electrolytes
4.2 Exchange/Displacement Reactions & Precipitation Reactions – net ionic equations,
4.3 Acid-Base Reactions – recognizing acids and bases, Lewis versus Brønsted descriptions
4.4 Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Reactions – oxidation numbers, net ionic equations, spectator ions,
4.5 Molarity & Solution Stoichiometry Calculations – titrations
5. Thermochemistry
Ch 5
5.1 The Language of Thermodynamics (kinetic/potential energy, system/surroundings, endothermic/exothermic, state functions, transferring energy)
5.2 The First Law of Thermodynamics (internal energy, E related to heat andwork)
5.3 Temperature, Heat, Work, & Internal Energy (energy relationships)
5.4 Enthalpy Changes during Chemical Reactions (heats of formation, state functions)
5.5 Calorimetry (heat capacity, specific heat, bomb calorimetry, constant pressure vs. constant volume)
5.6 Hess's Law
6. The Electronic Structure of Atoms
Ch 6
6.1 Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR spectrum, wave nature of light)
6.2 Atomic Spectra and the Bohr Model of the Atom (line versus continuous spectra, quantized energy)
6.3 Wave Properties of Matter (de Broglie wavelength, Planck’s experiment, uncertainty principle)
6.4 Quantum Theory (quantum numbers, atomic orbitals, orbital shapes, levels and energies)
6.5 Electron Configuration of Atoms and Ions (Hund’s rule, Pauli exclusion principle, isoelectronic species)
7. Periodic Properties of Elements & Atoms
Ch 7
7.1 The Periodic Law (effective nuclear charge)
7.2 Periodic Trends in Electron Affinity, Atomic Sizes, Ionic Radii, Ionization Energies, Magnetic Properties
7.3 Prediction of Properties (trends for Groups 1 and 2 and selected non-metals)
8. Chemical Bonding: Part 1 Fundamental Concepts
Ch 8
8.1 Introduction to Chemical Bonding
8.2 Ionic Bonds (lattice energy, transition metal ions, oxidation numbers)
8.3 Covalent Compounds & Covalent Bonds (Lewis structures, octet rule, single, double and triple bonding, exceptions to the octet rule)
8.4 Bond Properties (bond polarity and electronegativity)
8.5 Bond Properties (bond length and bond energy)
8.6 Resonance & Formal Charge (resonance arrows for electron flow)
9. Chemical Bonding: Part 2 Shapes of Molecules and Molecular Orbitals
Ch 9
9.1 Shapes of Molecules (VSEPR, memorize shapes (ideal & deviations) and bond angles, molecular polarity)
9.2 Valence Bond Theory & the Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals (orbital overlap descriptions, multiple bonding descrptions)
9.3 Molecular Orbital Theory (simple diatomics only)
10. Gases
Ch 10
10.1 Introduction to the Gas Phase (characteristics of gases)
10.2 Gas Pressure (atmospheric pressure and barometers, memorize 760 Torr = 760 mmHg = 1 atm)
10.3 Ideal Gas Laws (PV, PT and nV relationships, gas density, molar masses)
10.4 Gases in Chemical Reactions (calculate amount of gas formed when…)
10.5 Gaseous Mixtures (partial pressures, Dalton’s law, Raoult’s law)
10.6 Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Gases (distributions of molecular speeds, applications and predictions)
10.7 Effusion and Diffusion
10.8 Deviations From Ideal Properties (real gases, van der Waals equation)
11. Liquids & Solids
11.1 Intermolecular Forces in Liquids (London forces, ion-dipole forces, dipole-dipole, H-bonding)
11.2 Properties of Liquids (viscosity, surface tension)
11.3 Phase Changes (energy considerations, heating curves, phase diagrams, vapor pressure, volatility)
11.4 Vapor Pressure – vapor pressure curves and relationship to temperature
11.5 Structure of Solids – crystalline solids, lattices, electron sea model, unit cells, molecular solids
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