Elementary School Fees 24-25
Fees are due the first 9 weeks of school. Partial payments are accepted.
As stated in our Elem. Handbook on page 15, school picture orders will not be distributed until a partial payment of school fees is received.
2024-2025 Elementary Supply List - Updated 8/2/24
Parents, due to a technical issue the 24-25 school supply list was not loaded properly. We are sorry for the inconvenience!
Fortunately the ONLY changes between the two list are as follows:
- 2nd Grade - Add 1 roll of paper towels
- 3rd Grade - 4 glue sticks vs 2 as originally stated, add 1 composition notebook, 2 highlighters, remove the boys/girls individual list and each student bring 1 Clorox wipe and 1 roll of paper towels, No Ziplock bags required now.
- 6th grade - 2 papermate type style pens, any color medium point vs 2 RED stick pens.