Official FFA Dress


Official FFA Dress

Official FFA Dress

As FFA members, we have the opportunity to impact many people who may or may not be familiar with the organization: Community residents, businessmen and women, FFA sponsors, guests, parents, etc.

Therefore, first impressions are crucial, and that involves the way we dress. ALL FFA members are required to wear official dress while participating in official activities

The National FFA Board of Directors strongly encourages all advisors to ensure that ALL FFA members who attend the national FFA convention follow the standards of official dress as outlined in the Official FFA Manual on page 10.

Remember to check the following to ensure that you are adhering to official dress:

  • Official FFA jacket zipped to the top Official FFA tie or scarf
  • Correct number of pins displayed
  • Skirts of appropriate length or black pants
  • Appropriate footwear
  • Remember, it's an honor to wear the blue corduroy jacket and official dress representing the legacy of FFA. Wear it properly - and with pride.

The official FFA jacket was established by the Delegates at the 1933 National Convention. FFA Official Dress Standards were created by the Delegates at the 1973 National Convention and most recently revised by the Delegates at the 2002 National FFA Convention.

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